Home / glossary / Article 51 of the Mexican Federal Labor Law

Article 51 of the Mexican Federal Labor Law

The following are causes for termination of the employment relationship, without liability for the employee:

  1. Deceiving him/her by the employer, or in its case, the employer group when proposing the work, with respect to the conditions thereof. This cause of termination will cease to have effect after thirty days of rendering services to the employee;
  2. Incurring the employer, his family members or any of his representatives, within the service, in lack of probity or honesty, acts of violence, threats, insults, harassment and/or sexual harassment, bad treatment or other analogous, against the worker, spouse, parents, children or siblings;

    Section amended by the Decree by which various provisions of the Federal Labor Law are amended, added and repealed, published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on November 30, 2012.

  3. Incurring the employer, his family members or workers, outside the service, in the acts referred to in the preceding section, if they are so serious that they make it impossible to comply with the employment relationship;
  4. Reducing the employer’s salary of the worker;
  5. Not receiving the corresponding salary on the agreed or customary date or place;
  6. Suffering damages caused maliciously by the employer, in his tools or work tools;
  7. The existence of a serious danger to the safety or health of the worker or his family, either because the establishment lacks hygienic conditions or because the preventive and safety measures established by law are not complied with;
  8. Compromising the employer, with his inexcusable imprudence or carelessness, the safety of the establishment or of the persons who are in it; and
  9. Demanding the performance of acts, conducts or behaviors that undermine or attempt against the worker’s dignity; and

    Fraction added by the Decree by which various provisions of the Federal Labor Law are amended, added and repealed, published in the Official Gazette of the Federation of November 30, 2012.

  10. Those analogous to those established in the preceding sections, equally serious and of similar consequences, as far as labor is concerned.

Section renumbered by the Decree by which several provisions of the Federal Labor Law are amended, added and repealed, published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on November 30, 2012.