Home / glossary / Article 423 of the Mexican Federal Labor Law

Article 423 of the Mexican Federal Labor Law:

The regulations shall contain:

  1. Hours of entry and exit of workers, time allotted for meals and rest periods during the workday;
  2. Place and time at which they must begin and end the workday;
  3. Days and hours set for cleaning the establishments, machinery, apparatus and working tools;
  4. Days and places of payment;
  5. Rules for the use of the seats or chairs referred to in article 132, section V;
  6. Rules for preventing work risks and instructions for rendering first aid;
  7. Unhealthy and dangerous work that must not be performed by minors and the protection that pregnant workers must have;
  8. Time and manner in which workers must submit to medical examinations, prior or periodic, and to the prophylactic measures dictated by the authorities;
  9. Permits and leaves of absence;
  10. Disciplinary provisions and procedures for their application. Suspension from work, as a disciplinary measure, may not exceed eight days. The worker shall have the right to be heard before the sanction is applied; and
  11. The other necessary and convenient norms according to the nature of each company or establishment, to achieve the greatest safety and regularity in the development of the work.