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Article 23 of the Mexican Federal Labor Law

When the labor authorities detect a minor under fifteen years of age working outside the family circle, they will order him to immediately cease his work. The employer who incurs in this conduct will be sanctioned with the penalty established in Article 995 Bis of this Law.

In the event that the minor is not earning the salary received by a worker rendering the same services, the employer must compensate the differences.

It is prohibited for minors under eighteen years of age to work within the family circle in any type of activity that is dangerous for their health, safety or morality, or that affects the exercise of their rights and, with this, their integral development.

Family circle shall be understood as the relatives of the minor, by blood, ascendants or collaterals; up to the second degree.

When minors under eighteen years of age carry out any productive activity for self-consumption, under the direction of members of their family circle or guardians, these shall have the obligation to respect and protect the human rights of the minors and provide the necessary support and facilities for them to conclude, at least, their compulsory basic education.

Article amended by the Decree amending and repealing several provisions of the Federal Labor Law, regarding child labor, published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on June 12, 2015.